About Kali's
Jelly Belly Jelly Beans and Unique Candy Gifts

Fun and Innovation the Kali's way!
Our company was founded in 2006. Since the first day we opened on February 8th of 2006 we have focused on fun and innovation.
We focus on fun by featuring the Jelly Belly product line. We love watching the reactions of customers who experience the amazing flavors that come out of a small Jelly Bean and the excitement and disbelief when they try some of the Jelly Belly recipes. The recipes can make three or four different beans taste like many different things such as: a Blueberry Muffin, Chocolate Covered Cherry or even a piece Apple Pie just to name a few. Jelly Belly products are simply amazing. If you haven't experienced them stop in soon so we can enjoy introducing you to this incredible confection.
We focus on innovation by lots and lots of trial and error. The hardest part TASTE TESTING! If we only had a dollar for every volunteer we had to be a taste tester. When we do taste testing we don't rely on just a few people. We like to get the opinions of people from all age groups. It's amazing how one piece of candy can invoke so many different opinions and reactions. It makes it real important to get as many opinions as possible.
After we get these opinions we make small refinements until we have a product that isn't just enjoyed. It's important to us to have a confection that is fills your mouth with joy.
Many people ask us why we decided to open a candy store. While we had discussed it years ago we revisited the idea after a cutlery vendor of our adjoining business Big Woodie's Fireworks suggested we establish an area in our store that would be appealing to women. He noted most of our products appealed to men and in fairness to the ladies we should have something for them as well.
Giving consideration to his suggestion we started doing research. From there the work continued. Opening a store was the easy part. Well O.K. taste testing was the easy part.
The other common question we get is how we got our name? The name Kali's comes from the first 5 letters of our last name which is Kaliszewski. The founders of Kali's are Thomas, Susan, Jim & John Kaliszewski.
Ironically Kali is also the name (singular) for a filipino martial art that concentrates heavily on stick fighting. With Big Woodie's the primary supplier of Martial Arts Supplies in the area the name seemed like a great fit.
It is our personal goal is to develop unique products that meet the needs and desires of our friends and customers. We are incredibly pleased with the quality and value of all our products but we pledge to continuously and dramatically look for ways to improve and innovate over our future years in the candy business.
There are many exciting changes and new product developments continuously every year now at Kali's. Stop in soon and check out our innovative new products.
John Kaliszewski
Vice President, Sales & Marketing